
A crackdown on rogue landlords across the UK who are renting to illegal migrants has led to almost two hundred arrests. (Source)
The operation had been named ‘Operation Magnify’, and over 250 properties were raided by Immigration Officers across the UK and took place between January and June this year.
There were approximately 24 landlords caught during the six-month operation. They were each fined up to £3,000 for every illegal worker found renting their properties, and nearly two hundred illegal migrants were arrested during the process.
As an estate or letting agent, there is an increasing need to go beyond the required regulatory checks. Here at Contego we advise all our clients to perform extensive due diligence on all parties involved in every transaction.
Some of the UK’s largest property firms rely on us to mitigate fraud risk when onboarding their customers. We help them ensure they not only comply with current Money Laundering and Right to Rent regulations, but we importantly help them go beyond this and help them consider increasing and new emerging threats.
With one of the UK’s largest databases of screening information available, and we can deliver detailed reports on tenants, landlords, buyers and sellers – in real-time.
If you want to ensure you are doing the maximum possible today to reduce your risk and keep the regulators at bay then get in touch today by calling +44 (0) 1235 375 000 or book an online demo.